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Because we know that you are busy, we have tried to keep the Entry Process as simple as possible. But we still need to know about your business.


The Entry Guidelines are aimed at giving the judges a snapshot of your business
with a particular focus on the previous 12 months. 


There are 3 sections covering: 


......1) Your business story    

......2) The 12 months before Lockdown    

......3) The next 12 months including Lockdown 


Ideally, you can draw from material already available within your organisation - your website, annual reports, proposals and other promotional material.

You will NOT need to include anything confidential.


ENTRY IS FREE. The only cost being for any Tickets to the Awards Dinner.



Our catchment area is Greater Wellington - which goes up to and includes Kapiti District in the west and up to and including Masterton District in the east.



Please download the updated  2020 Entry Guidelines below

2020 Entries Closed  Thursday July 2nd, 2020


Please call Gayle 027 208 8780 or email




  5 Great Reasons to enter The Gold Awards  

Entry Docs


The Gold Awards has 8 main Categories and 3 Best Practice Awards.

The 8 main Industry Categories are:


•  CREATIVE GOLD in association with  Stonewood Homes ~ film, media & creative content

•  CYBER GOLD in association with  PwC ~ technology creators 

•  EMERGING GOLD - PRODUCTS  ~ small businesses selling products, 10 or fewer full-time employees

•  EMERGING GOLD - SERVICES  in association with Meredith Connell ~ small businesses selling services, 10 or fewer full-time employees

•  GLOBAL GOLD in association with ANZ ~ exporters

•  INNOVATION GOLD in association with Datacom ~ inventive new projects, products & processes.

•  SUPPORTING GOLD in association with Beca ~ infrastructure & professional services providers

•  VIBRANT GOLD in association with Downer ~ events, hospitality & tourism facilities

and the 2 Best Practice awards....


•  GREEN GOLD AWARD in association with Greater Wellington Regional Council  ~ sustainability practices & products

•  TEAM GOLD AWARD in association with Find Recruitment ~ investment in people, wellness & HR programmes


Businesses can either choose to enter one of the 8 Industry Categories and one, both or neither of the 2 Best Practice awards.

Or they can choose to ONLY enter one or both of the Best Practice awards.


PLEASE NOTE: If you choose to enter only one or both of the Best Practice awards (Green or Team) then you will not need to complete Sections 1-4. You will only complete the Best Practice award that you are entering. That is Green Gold on Page 5 and Team Gold on Page 6.

You can view the Winners in each Category since 1999 here....




The Gold Awards don't have an Entry Form or Questionnaire as such.


You prepare your own Entry document that tells us your business story with photos and graphics.

Please send us the finished pdf no larger than 2.5mb and no longer than 10 pages plus Cover with your Details


2020 Entries Close Thursday July 2nd, 2020

If you have any queries please contact Gayle Page: 027 208 8780 or 


Please download the Entry Guidelines pdfs below....

  5 Great Reasons to ENTER The Gold Awards  

2020 Gold Awards

Entry Guidelines


2020 Innovation Gold Entry Guidelines

Innovation Gold has separate Entry Guidelines which is more project focussed.


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ANZ black logo.png
Beca logo.png
GoFi8ure Logo black.png
MAL Logo 1 clearcut_edited.png

The Wellington Gold Awards

c/o Agenda Ltd

Box 11-549, Manners St

Wellington, New Zealand​​

  • Facebook


Cell: +64 27 208 8780


© 2025 by Agenda Ltd

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